PDNob MindMap (100% discount)


Super Moderate
Nov 16, 2006
Download: (Web App) PDNob MindMap

The download link for PDNob MindMap is provided to you above. To get your license key, click here to go to the exclusive giveaway registration page. At the page, enter your email address and click the SEND CODE button. You will then be sent a verification code to your email address. Get the code from your email, go back to the giveaway page, make sure your email address is entered, enter the verification code, and click GET NOW.

Next, you will be sent another email from the developer. In that email, you must click the SET PASSWORD button in order to create a password for your account that has the giveaway attached to it.

Once you have done all that, simply login to PDNob MindMap's web app from the link we give above and start using it. Enjoy!
